Fluorescein Sodium Ophthalmic Strips
Most commonly used diagnostic strip to visualize defects or abrasions in the corneal epithelium by staining the areas of cellular loss.
Product Description
Fluorescein Sodium Ophthalmic Strips
10/box,1/pouch, 10pouch/box
Useful for evaluating hard contact lens fitting Applanation tonometry
Evaluating tear film breakup time
To visualise defects in the corneal epithelium
Available as sterile strips in individual pouches
Each strip is impregnated with 1.0 mg of Fluorescein sodium
Innovative peel open packing with transparent film on one side
Instructions for Use
- To ensure full fluorescence and patient comfort, the Fluorescein Sodium impregnated tip should be moistened before application.
- One or two drops of sterile irrigating or saline solution should be used for this purpose.
- Touch conjunctiva or fornix as required with moistened tip.
- It is recommended that the patient blink several times after application.